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Tag Archives: The New York Sun

The Fines – NY Sun
We swore that we would never forget. And for those still counting, today marks four and a half years and three days since the attacks of September 11, 2001. Yesterday will be remembered as a minor milestone in our city’s … Continue reading

U2 Showed the Relevance of Rock Music – NY Sun
One year ago, New Yorkers were still walking around in a haze: unmoored internally, rocked by shock, anger, disbelief, and despair. The days were surreal but they were not silent – music helped see us through. And one album, more … Continue reading

Independent Voters Burgeoning – New York Sun
Want to make a professional partisan really nervous? Ask him why the fastest growing demographic in American politics is the independent voter. It just doesn’t fit with the play-to-the-base Kool-Aid that political consultants have been drinking the past few years. … Continue reading
‘West Wing’ Bows Out – The New York Sun
At a time when the TV show “American Idol” garners greater levels of voter participation than actual American elections, there is reason to question whether the entertainment industry adds much civic value to our society. But viewers of NBC’s “The … Continue reading
Would Goldwater Leave? – The New York Sun
Washington – Would Barry Goldwater be a Republican today? It’s a question that might have been considered sacrilegious even a decade ago. But as the Republican Party searches for its soul, post-Tom DeLay and in advance of the 2006 and … Continue reading
Kadima Shows Strength Of the Center – The New York Sun
The centrist Kadima Party’s victory on Tuesday sent shock waves through Israeli politics by relegating the conservative Likud to fifth place in the Knesset, down from winning 38 seats in 2003 to just 11 this week. It was a dramatic … Continue reading
The Fight for Redistricting Reform – The New York Sun
Redistricting reform: the wonkishness of the term alone causes some folks to fall asleep – as it apparently did to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who reportedly face-planted on her desk for 15 minutes during a Supreme Court hearing last week … Continue reading
Post-Katrina Mardi Gras – The New York Sun
When the guy rolling the giant wooden cross down Bourbon Street passed the “Pimps and Ho’s” party on the balcony of the Hustler Club, you knew that juxtaposition-rich New Orleans was getting back to business. In this first post-Hurricane Katrina … Continue reading
Buy Danish – The New York Sun
As Danish embassies come under attack around the world in misplaced retaliation for the four-month old decision by a Danish newspaper to publish satirical cartoons of Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, it is a time for choosing.
Morality And the Deficit – The New York Sun
Budgets are ultimately moral documents. They establish our priorities and reveal our values. Despite a brief flirtation with fiscal responsibility in the 1990s, for most of the past several decades our government’s economic actions have been marked by pious words … Continue reading
Where Is King of the Middle East? – The New York Sun
Where are the Martin Luther Kings of the Middle East? In a land where millennia-old resentments routinely erupt into violence, the selective amnesia about the more recent example of Martin Luther King is striking – it is a part of … Continue reading
Bush, TR, and the Road to 2008 – The New York Sun
Sometimes you need to look back to get a sense of where you’re going. With his administration settling into late middle age and the Republican Party staring nervously at mid-term elections, President Bush occupied himself during his Christmas holiday in … Continue reading
Where Have You Gone, Ed Murrow? – The New York Sun
The news industry is in chaos. Newspaper circulation is nose-diving. The reign of the iconic network anchors ended over the last 12 months. “Nightline” as we know it will end its 25-year run tonight. The expansion of the Internet has … Continue reading
From Katrina To Sept.11 – The New York Sun
The devastation of the city of New Orleans hangs inescapably over the fourth anniversary of September 11. The suddenness of the destruction, the shattering of old assumptions, the assimilation of previously unimaginable loss, all evoke unwelcome old emotions at a … Continue reading

Our City, Indivisible – The New York Sun
Look around our city this September 11 and realize that which does not kill us makes us stronger. Now, three years after the worst day in our history, we are perhaps ready to reflect on what would have seemed almost … Continue reading

Two Years On We’ve Kept The Faith – The New York Sun
We swore that we would never forget: the thunder and shudder of the towers coming down; funeral after funeral, our hearts shattered; searing image after searing image, our souls scarred. Now, two years later, we have kept the faith. We … Continue reading
Hamptons West – the Rockaways Renaissance – The New York Sun
At the height of summer, as New Yorkers try to find the nearest faraway place to beat the heat and relax on the beach, it’s startling to realize that the largely forgotten Rockaways were once the nation’s premier seaside resort. … Continue reading