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Tag Archives: The Telegraph

American Way: What We Didn’t Learn After Newtown – The Telegraph
Here’s the thing about shock. It fades. Certainly not for the families of the 20 children who were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School one year ago. But for the rest of us, who recoiled in horror at the … Continue reading
Obama has Given Up Seeking a Solution to America’s Financial Woes
Without a bang or a whimper, all hopes of striking a so-called “Grand Bargain” to put America’s public finances on a sustainable track died a quiet death this week. And because cynicism passes for wisdom in Washington, the passing was … Continue reading
Hating Kennedy – The Daily Beast
This week, America was fixated on the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Grief nourishes myth and a new CNN poll registers JFK as our most admired ex-president from the past half century. His brief 1,000 days in the … Continue reading
American Way: Can Jim Messina Do for David Cameron What He Did for Barack Obama?
The incumbent was underwater. Low poll numbers and a still-sluggish economy, soaring campaign promises of hope and change that never quite materialised. The opposition attacked him; so did some of the ideological absolutists in his own camp. That’s the situation … Continue reading
Don’t Call Obama Racist – The Daily Beast
Race remains a fundamental fault line in American life. That’s why the Trayvon Martin murder trial drew wall to wall coverage on cable news and why the jury’s decision to acquit George Zimmerman drew outraged cries. And on Friday afternoon, … Continue reading
American Way: Don’t Impose Watergate on the Scandals Facing Obama – They Stand on Their Own – The Telegraph
Somewhere Richard Nixon is smiling. Four decades after Watergate and two decades after his death, we still can’t stop talking about the dark anti-hero of American politics. His five-o’clock shadowy visage remains too convenient a metaphor for lazy critics looking … Continue reading

Hell Week in Boston Shows How 9/11 Taught Resilience – The Telegraph
Monday’s bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Patriots’ Day propelled America back to a 9/11 mindset. Tuesday through Thursday were pre-occupied with grief, manhunts and memorial services. Poisonous envelopes mailed to the president and two US … Continue reading
Connecticut School Shooting: Standing Up to the Gun Lobby is the Best Way to Honour the Innocent Victims – The Telegraph
America’s deadliest school shooting occurred one day before the 221st anniversary of the adoption of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, which guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. Our gun laws might look strange across the Atlantic, where … Continue reading
Newtown Shooting: Now Is the Time for Gun Law Debate in America – The Telegraph
Newtown, Connecticut, is where families move to keep their children safe. Only an hour from New York City, the town was founded well before the Revolutionary War. It’s where Scrabble was invented, a stop on the Underground Railroad, home to … Continue reading
Senate Vote on UN Disability Convention Shows Pitiful State of US politics – The Telegraph
“It needs to be a wake-up call about a broken institution that’s letting down the American people.” So said John Kerry in a fit of frustration after the Senate voted against ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of … Continue reading
They Failed to ‘Buy’ the US Election in 2012: Will Conservative Donors Ever Open Their Wallets Again? – The Telegraph
An unprecedented amount of money was spent in the 2012 election — some $6 billion in total. But the real slumbering scandal was how much of that was an infusion of cash from Super PACs – supposedly independent “political action … Continue reading
Video Defaming Prophet Mohammed is a Con Job That Pits Fundamentalist Christians and Muslims Against Freedom – The Telepgraph
More than 100 years ago, Mark Twain said: “A lie will go round the round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.” The world received a chilling 21st century update of that aphorism last week, as a plot … Continue reading
US Election 2012: Why Mitt Still Needs to Polish His Sales Pitch – The Telegraph
The Republican Convention in Tampa ended after three days of frenzied networking and made-for-television speeches, all against a backdrop of American flags. This is now Mitt Romney’s Republican Party, even if it is more unified by intense dislike of President … Continue reading
US Election 2012: Barack Obama, China and a Fight for Ohio – The Telegraph
China and Ohio are on opposite sides of the globe. But when Air Force One touched down in Toledo, Ohio on July 5, President Barack Obama had China on his mind. At the opening event of his Rust Belt Bus … Continue reading
The Hispanic Challenge for Obama and Romney – The Telegraph
America is a nation of immigrants with an illegal immigration problem — a dilemma for both the presidential candidates America is a nation of immigrants with an illegal immigration problem. For the past four decades, immigration has been a political … Continue reading
American Way: Wisconsin Recall Vote Shows Union Power is Problem for Democrats – The Telegraph
The biggest election before November took place last week in Wisconsin – and it didn’t go the Democrats way. Incumbent Republican Governor Scott Walker had polarised the state by taking on public sector labour unions, rolling back their collective bargaining … Continue reading
American Way: Why Barack Obama Now Has a Battle on His Hands for the 2012 Election
There are storm clouds on the horizon for Barack Obama’s re-election. Democrats indulged in over-confidence during the Republican primaries. It was an understandable reaction to the chaos that came with all the pandering to the far-Right and the rise of … Continue reading
American Way: Why Barack Obama’s Support for Gay Marriage is a Huge Political Gamble by the President – The Telegraph
It was a “profile in courage” moment from the American president, but one loaded with political risk. Consider the fact that just the previous day the citizens of North Carolina voted to ban same-sex marriage and all forms of civil … Continue reading
Barack Obama, the Unlikely Hero of War on Terror – The Telegraph
It’s been one year since Osama bin Laden was killed. I don’t imagine I’ll ever be as happy again to hear that someone was shot in the face. Revenge, justice, call it what you will, but it felt good, like … Continue reading
US Election 2012: the Ugly Republican Nomination Race is Only Helping Obama – The Telegraph
President Obama’s re-election strategy is focused on portraying himself as the defender of the forgotten American middle class. And, writes John Avlon, there are signs that this strategy is succeeding. For the first time since the short-lived boost after the … Continue reading