Common Sense Democrat
for Suffolk County

NEW AD: “Beth”

“9/11 was a defining moment of my life. Working with Beth Hatton and other 9/11 families shaped my values. I will always work to ensure that our heroes' memories are honored, their families protected & the healthcare needs of survivors are met. We need to put country over party.”


We need to build the broadest possible coalition to defeat Donald Trump, defend our democracy, and restore the middle class with common-sense solutions.

I’m running for Congress in New York’s First District because there is too much at stake for the country and community I love.

Together, we can flip this seat and finally solve problems for Long Island families. We need to rebuild the middle class, protect women’s reproductive rights, invest in our local infrastructure and transportation, and combat climate change.

This election is not a drill. Now’s the time for us all to stand up and get off the sidelines.

We can't afford to lose this fight.