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Tag Archives: C-Span

John Avlon – Philadelphia National Constitution Center – CSPAN
President George Washington’s Farewell Address John Avlon talked about his book, Washington’s Farewell: The Founding Father’s Warning to Future Generations. Mr. Avlon argued that Washington warned future generations about the dangers of hyper-partisanship, excessive debt, and foreign wars. He spoke … Continue reading

Book TV Interviews John Avlon on Deadline Artists
John Avlon talks about the research, selection and history of the contributors to Deadline Artists. Watch for a behind the scenes discussion on the making of Deadline Artists. Call-in-viewers also ask their questions and add their comments to the discussion.

John Avlon Discusses Independent Nation – C-Span
Independent Nation Mr. Avlon talked about his book, Independent Nation: How the Vital Center is Changing American Politics, published by Harmony Books. In the book, the author writes that centrism is good for America. He chronicles the political campaigns of … Continue reading

Presidential Descendents – C-SPAN
John Avlon moderated a conversation about the opportunities and obligations of growing up as a descendant of an American president. Participants included: Margaret Hoover, great-granddaughter of Herbert Hoover; Clifton Truman Daniel, grandson of Harry Truman; Luci Baines Johnson, daughter of … Continue reading
The Presidency of LBJ – C-SPAN
Mark Updegrove, director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum, discussed his new book, Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency with Daily Beast writer, John Avlon.

John Avlon Talks About Deadline Artists – Book TV – C-Span
John Avlon talks about the research, selection and history of the contributors to Deadline Artists. Watch for a behind the scenes discussion on the making of Deadline Artists. Call-in-viewers also ask their questions and add their comments to the discussion.

Independent Voters and 2012 Election – C-SPAN
John Avlon talked about the role of independent voters in the 2012 elections. Topics included voter attitudes on issues, the two political parties and Washington politics in general, and the viability of an independent political movement. He also responded to … Continue reading

Ten Years After 9/11 – John Avlon Talks to Irshad Manji – C-SPAN
John Avlon talks to Irshad Manji about the impact of Islam in the United States over the next ten years. They examined how a new generation, both Muslim and non-Muslim, can re-shape post-September 11, 2001, America. Ms. Manji promoted reconciling … Continue reading

“Wingnuts” Reading at The Strand – C-SPAN Book TV
John Roberts interviews John Avlon for Book TV at Strand Books in New York City. He has a new book called “Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America”