Outfront tonight: Republicans in a corner over health care.
The Supreme Court battle may be over, but has the political and policy war just begun?
The House of Representatives has already scheduled a vote to repeal health care reform next week, a vote that will go nowhere considering the Senate is still controlled by Democrats. But Senate Republicans have pledged to follow through on the repeal it if they take back the Senate this fall.
The conservative base is firmly aligned against the health care law. Mitt Romney is campaigning on a pledge to “repeal and replace.” We all saw the sign on his podium last Thursday.
But over the weekend, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was dismissive when asked what happens after repeal. But we have to ask — what would his party do about the 30 million uninsured Americans? When pressed for specifics, even Mitt Romney’s own campaign has struggled to stay on message.
We get it. We know what you are not going to do. We know what you are against. But what are you for? After you repeal, what do you replace it with?