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Tag Archives: President Obama

How Trump Measures Up to His Predecessors – Reality Check with John Avlon – CNN
CNN’s John Avlon does a reality check on how President Trump compares to his predecessors on some basic two year benchmarks, like approval rating, unemployment and number of days in a government shutdown.
The Absurd Impeachment Feedback Loop – The Daily Beast
Impeachment is the final fantasy for obsessive hyper-partisans. But some Democrats are exploiting the craziness as a fundraising call to arms. Silly season has started—and both parties are trying to fund-raise off the fringe. One-third of Americans now say that … Continue reading

John Avlon Hosts – OutFront – CNN
John Avlon talks about Republican’s efforts to repeal Heath Care and other political topics of the day as he hosts CNN’s Out Front on July 2, 2012.
Obama has Given Up Seeking a Solution to America’s Financial Woes
Without a bang or a whimper, all hopes of striking a so-called “Grand Bargain” to put America’s public finances on a sustainable track died a quiet death this week. And because cynicism passes for wisdom in Washington, the passing was … Continue reading
Shutdown Crisis: We Need a Hostage Negotiator – The Daily Beast
With the government shutdown entering its second week and debt ceiling default less than two weeks away, polarization has turned poisonous and confusion reigns on Capitol Hill. “It actually reminds me of a prison siege,” says Christopher Voss, a former … Continue reading
The Suicidal Shutdown: Hyper-Partisan Fever Rules the Government – The Daily Beast
It was darkly appropriate that Congressman John Culberson (R-TX) rallied his conservative colleagues on Saturday to vote for a government shutdown by saying “Like 9/11, Let’s Roll!” Because this legislative plane is headed defiantly nose-down into the ground. Decency, practicality, … Continue reading
American Way: Can Jim Messina Do for David Cameron What He Did for Barack Obama?
The incumbent was underwater. Low poll numbers and a still-sluggish economy, soaring campaign promises of hope and change that never quite materialised. The opposition attacked him; so did some of the ideological absolutists in his own camp. That’s the situation … Continue reading

The Obama Haters Book Club: The Canon Swells – The Daily Beast
Welcome to the Obama Haters Book Club—a parallel universe of fear mongering for fun and profit. Over the past four years, no less than 89 obsessively anti-Obama books have been published, as now catalogued by The Daily Beast. I’m not … Continue reading
Don’t Call Obama Racist – The Daily Beast
Race remains a fundamental fault line in American life. That’s why the Trayvon Martin murder trial drew wall to wall coverage on cable news and why the jury’s decision to acquit George Zimmerman drew outraged cries. And on Friday afternoon, … Continue reading
George H.W. Bush, Our Preppiest Ex-President, Honored at White House – The Daily Beast
It’s been a quarter-century since George H.W. Bush was elected president, but the wheels of history are finally turning his way. In a triumph of civility and character over hyperbolic hyper-partisanship, Bush 41 was honored Monday by President Obama at … Continue reading

Busting Campaign Myths with Margaret Hoover and Errol Louis – OutFront – CNN
CNN contributor John Avlon talks to NY1 anchor Errol Louis and Republican strategist Margaret Hoover about the top three campaign myths that voters should be aware of heading to the polls this November.
NSA Spying Shows Obama’s Machine Out of Control – The Daily Beast
With news that Verizon was required to hand over supposedly private domestic phone records to the government as part of a national security dragnet, the second-term curse just got much more real for the Obama administration. To date, however, the … Continue reading
American Way: Don’t Impose Watergate on the Scandals Facing Obama – They Stand on Their Own – The Telegraph
Somewhere Richard Nixon is smiling. Four decades after Watergate and two decades after his death, we still can’t stop talking about the dark anti-hero of American politics. His five-o’clock shadowy visage remains too convenient a metaphor for lazy critics looking … Continue reading

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Obama’s Worst Week
This week on The Big Three, we take a look at what might have been Obama’s worst week ever – as a negative trifecta of scandals threaten to overwhelm his administration and derail his ambitious legislative agenda. We get a … Continue reading

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Benghazi: Search for Truth or Witch Hunt?
Dean Obeidallah, John Avlon and Margaret Hoover kick off this week’s episode of “The Big Three” podcast by tackling Congress’ Benghazi hearings from three distinct perspectives.

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Close Guantanamo?
The week on “The Big Three,” The Daily Show’s Aasif Mandvi joins John Avlon, Margaret Hoover, and Dean Obeidallah in a discussion on whether the prison at Guantanamo Bay should stay open. Also, the gang talks Jason Collins’ coming out … Continue reading
Obama Budget Catching Hell From Both Sides: Why That’s a Good Sign – The Daily Beast
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall catch hell from both sides.” So said a sign on the Justice Department wall of Burke Marshall at the height of the civil rights era. But it could also apply to President Obama’s … Continue reading

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Margaret Hoover, Dean Obeidallah, John Avlon
Welcome to The Big Three — a CNN Radio podcast on the big three stories of the week, featuring three contributors who write for CNN Opinion — myself, my bride, Margaret Hoover, and political comedian Dean Obeidallah, who is of … Continue reading
Joe Biden’s Shotgun Approach to Politics Good for Obama Administration – The Daily Beast
In the pop-culture presidency of the Obama administration, Joe Biden plays an outsize role. He’s the goofy white uncle, loose-lipped and earnest to a fault, who recently became the subject of an Onion biography that imagines the teetotaler as a … Continue reading
The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All – The Daily Beast
With deep sequestration cuts just days away, Congress is on vacation. But they’ve still got plenty of time to play the blame game. The latest semantic spin is to call the looming $1.2 trillion in cuts, which could throw the … Continue reading