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Tag Archives: National Security

Forty-Five Foiled Terror Plots Since 9/11 – The Daily Beast
As counterterrorism officials investigate a new ‘credible’ terror threat, records show there have been at least 45 jihadist terrorist-attack plots against Americans since 9/11—thwarted by intelligence work, policing, and citizen involvement. John Avlon reports. As news of a new “credible” … Continue reading

American Way: What We Didn’t Learn After Newtown – The Telegraph
Here’s the thing about shock. It fades. Certainly not for the families of the 20 children who were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School one year ago. But for the rest of us, who recoiled in horror at the … Continue reading
Border Kids Crisis—Impotent Congress – The Daily Beast
The alleged urgency of the problem is inspiring no action on Capitol Hill. But the failure to deal with the influx of Central American children isn’t inevitable—it’s driven by fear. Cynicism passes for wisdom in Washington. And despite the urgent … Continue reading
The Military-Industrial Complex Is Real, and It’s Bigger Than Ever – The Daily Beast
In January 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously warned about the growth of the “military-industrial complex” in his farewell address. Ed Snowden, late of Booz Allen Hamilton, is just one small expression of its rise. The rest is evident throughout … Continue reading
NSA Spying Shows Obama’s Machine Out of Control – The Daily Beast
With news that Verizon was required to hand over supposedly private domestic phone records to the government as part of a national security dragnet, the second-term curse just got much more real for the Obama administration. To date, however, the … Continue reading
How Did ‘Patriot’ Become a Dirty Word? – CNN.com
On Memorial Day, we honor those patriots who gave “the last full measure of devotion” — in Abraham Lincoln’s words — and died defending our freedom and union. But this Memorial Day is partly clouded by the resurgence of partisan … Continue reading

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Benghazi: Search for Truth or Witch Hunt?
Dean Obeidallah, John Avlon and Margaret Hoover kick off this week’s episode of “The Big Three” podcast by tackling Congress’ Benghazi hearings from three distinct perspectives.

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Close Guantanamo?
The week on “The Big Three,” The Daily Show’s Aasif Mandvi joins John Avlon, Margaret Hoover, and Dean Obeidallah in a discussion on whether the prison at Guantanamo Bay should stay open. Also, the gang talks Jason Collins’ coming out … Continue reading

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Do Muslims Really Hate Terrorism?
CNN Radio’s Big Three: John Avlon, Margaret Hoover and Dean Obeidallah.

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Terror in Boston
CNN Radio’s Big Three: John Avlon, Margaret Hoover and Dean Obeidallah.
A Time for Resilience – The Daily Beast
There, with the end in sight, two bombs exploded on Boylston Street. The shrapnel tore through the cheering crowd, knocking marathon runners down with the force of the blast, turning their moment of triumph into tragedy. Even hours later, still … Continue reading
GOP’s Cowardly Gun Filibuster Threat – CNN.com
There are days when Congress seems determined to earn its 12% approval rating — and that 14 Republican senators are threatening to filibuster any new gun legislation should make your blood boil if you still have a heart to pump … Continue reading

CNN Podcast: Big Three – North Korea
CNN Radio’s Big Three: John Avlon, Margaret Hoover and Dean Obeidallah.

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Margaret Hoover, Dean Obeidallah, John Avlon
Welcome to The Big Three — a CNN Radio podcast on the big three stories of the week, featuring three contributors who write for CNN Opinion — myself, my bride, Margaret Hoover, and political comedian Dean Obeidallah, who is of … Continue reading
Rand Paul Kicks It Old School in Filibuster Marathon Over Drones – The Daily Beast
Give Rand Paul credit—he decided to kick it old school on the Senate floor and filibuster in person rather than simply filing a procedural motion. The result was the kind of spectacle we only see in Frank Capra films and … Continue reading
In North Korea, Dennis Rodman Fouls Out – CNN.com
Never fear. While North Korea is a closed communist state, a rogue nuclear power that regularly threatens war and starves its own people in prison camps, Dennis Rodman has just returned from some one-on-one diplomacy with its “dear leader” Kim … Continue reading
This is How China Hacks America: Inside the Mandiant Report – The Daily Beast
The Chinese government just got caught with a smoking cyber gun. Cybersecurity consultant Mandiant released a much-anticipated report Tuesday morning, offering the most detailed look to date inside the Chinese People Liberation Army’s direct involvement in hacking into American government … Continue reading
NRA’s enemies list: Most of America – CNN.com
Question: What do George Clooney, Chaka Khan, the American Medical Association, Bon Jovi and C. Everett Koop have in common? Answer: They are among the 500 names on the National Rifle Association’s absurd new “enemies list.” Richard Nixon would be … Continue reading
Super Bowl Blackout Should Help Build Momentum for a Smart Grid – The Daily Beast
The 34-minute Super Bowl blackout is just the most recent high-profile example of a growing national problem. Blackouts are on the rise across the United States, with major power outages doubling over the past decade. The problem is an aging … Continue reading
Obama’s Odd New Pals on Immigration – The Daily Beast
This time it will be different. After repeated failures at the federal level, comprehensive immigration reform finally looks like a real possibility this year. And that’s because a broad bipartisan coalition has been built in the Senate, motivated by both … Continue reading