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Tag Archives: Republican Reformers

Christie’s Reelection Triumph Is a Revenge of the RINOs – The Daily Beast
Chris Christie’s landslide reelection in a state President Obama won by 17 points offers the GOP a memo on how to win in 2016, if it wants one. Don’t just fixate on the top-line numbers. They obscure the real story. … Continue reading
What GOP Can Learn from Cuccinelli’s Tanking Bid in Virginia – CNN
Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day. Polls … Continue reading
Lindsey Graham Wasn’t Afraid to Fight for Immigration Reform – The Daily Beast
Profiles in courage are rare in our politics these days, but the Senate’s passage of comprehensive immigration reform is bright example of how Washington does not need to be a place where good ideas go to die. Credit goes to … Continue reading
Memo to the GOP: It’s Time to Listen to Your Elders – The Daily Beast
Sometimes retirees are out of touch. But sometimes they’re freer to tell the truth. And that’s what happened when GOP mandarins Bob Dole and John Warner fired off warning flares about the rightward drift of the Republican Party. Former presidential … Continue reading
Hispanic Outreach Director Explains Why He Said ‘Adios’ to the GOP – The Daily Beast
Conservatives should consider this a warning sign. The Republican National Committee’s former Hispanic outreach director for Florida has left the GOP and registered as a Democrat, citing a “culture of intolerance.” Pablo Pantoja is a decorated Iraq war vet who … Continue reading

CNN Podcast: Big Three – Margaret Hoover, Dean Obeidallah, John Avlon
Welcome to The Big Three — a CNN Radio podcast on the big three stories of the week, featuring three contributors who write for CNN Opinion — myself, my bride, Margaret Hoover, and political comedian Dean Obeidallah, who is of … Continue reading
More Sarah Palin Than Ronald Reagan: CPAC’s Paranoid Style – The Daily Beast
There’s no place where the paranoid style in American politics mixes with presidential aspirants quite like CPAC. At this year’s conservative conclave, held at the Gaylord Hotel in Maryland, there is a mood of grim resignation after their rejection in … Continue reading
The Elephant in the Room: Chris Christie’s CPAC Dig – The Daiy Beast
With the “Star Wars bar” of the Conservative Political Action Conference (in other words, a bunch of aliens) kicking off Thursday morning, it was no coincidence that among the first speakers were Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Texas Congressman … Continue reading
Is Jeb Bush Right About Campaign ‘Crack Addicts’? – CNN.com
“You guys are crack addicts.” That was Jeb Bush on “Meet the Press,” addressing journalists about their obsession with the 2016 presidential campaign, more than three years away. The former Florida governor was joking and it’s a fool’s errand for … Continue reading
Can Jeb Bush Save the GOP and End Its Emerging Civil War? – The Daily Beast
Moon Reagan and Don Nixon never got this kind of reception. But Jeb Bush, the brother and son of presidents, is already getting the full-court press to run for the White House in 2016. The Drudge Report went breathless with … Continue reading
Hostage to His Caucus, John Boehner Can’t Keep His Message Straight – The Daily Beast
It’s official. Washington has no idea how to get out of the mess it created with the sequester. That’s the message Speaker John Boehner sent with his Meet the Press interview that aired Sunday. “I don’t think anyone quite understands … Continue reading
The Pro Freedom Republicans Are Coming: 131 Sign Gay-Marriage Brief – The Daily Beast
One hundred thirty-one Republicans signed an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court on Thursday arguing that marriage is a fundamental right that should not be denied to gay and lesbian Americans. That is nearly double the number of Republicans … Continue reading
Hagel’s Confirmation Hearings Contentious and Partisan – The Daily Beast
The contentious Senate hearing for secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel divided starkly along partisan lines, with Republicans attacking their former colleague with the pitchfork zeal of heretic hunters. Hagel’s calm recitation of consensus catechism on issues ranging from Iran … Continue reading
GOP Needs More Northeast Republicans to Save the Party – The Daily Beast
Bobby Jindal’s calling it “the Stupid Party.” Glenn Beck is showing images of elephants dying while cutting up cake. And David Brooks is calling for a second Republican Party. There’s grumbling agreement even among the party faithful that the GOP … Continue reading
Chris Christie Drops Bomb on GOP Leaders – CNN.com
It’s why the American people hate Congress. Unlike the people in Congress, we have actual responsibilities.” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dropped a bomb on Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Congress for refusing to allow a vote on Hurricane … Continue reading
One Tough Nerd—Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s Pragmatic Labor Stance – The Daily Beast
So this is what he meant by “One Tough Nerd.” Michigan’s Republican governor, Rick Snyder, has become public enemy No. 1 among liberals for his controversial decision this week to sign right-to-work legislation in Michigan—the birthplace of the American organized … Continue reading
Why Tim Scott Should Replace Jim DeMint – The Daily Beast
Apart from Stephen Colbert, the best pick South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley could make for Jim DeMint’s Senate seat is Congressman Tim Scott. Happily, Scott is also reportedly DeMint’s first choice, though the current senator has nothing more than advisory … Continue reading
George W. Bush to Republicans: Embrace Immigration – The Daily Beast
President George W. Bush’s first postelection speech was a call for immigration reform—and an implicit rebuke of the failed GOP nominee Mitt Romney. On Tuesday morning, the Bush Center held a conference on immigration and economic growth at the Federal … Continue reading
Don’t Fear the Gover – Republicans Wisely Break with Grover Norquist – CNN.com
Who’s afraid of Grover Norquist? Fewer and fewer Republicans, thankfully. In recent days, the declarations of independence from Norquist’s absolutist anti-tax pledge have been coming fast and furious. Add Southern Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Lindsey Graham to the growing list, … Continue reading
Republican Politicians Must Stop Pandering to Conservative Populism – The Daily Beast
Republicans need to “stop being the Stupid Party.” That was a blunt postelection declaration of independence by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. “We’ve also had enough of this dumbed-down conservatism,” continued Jindal. “We need to stop being simplistic, we need to … Continue reading