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Tag Archives: OutFront
The Super PAC Economy – OutFront – CNN
One problem Mitt Romney doesn’t have is raising money. The Super PAC supporting him has already raked in more than 65-million-dollars. That’s more than outside groups in total spent at this point in the 2008 election. CNN Contributor John Avlon … Continue reading
Romney Leaked Audio – OutFront – CNN
On a day when Mitt Romney is trying to retool his message, undercover video has emerged of Romney at a private fundraiser earlier this year – joking about how being Latino might have helped his campaign. The video was obtained … Continue reading
Clinton the Closer – OutFront – CNN
Fresh off his star turn at the Democratic convention, Former President Bill Clinton hits the campaign trail Tuesday for President Barack Obama in a crucial swing state, Florida. The former president’s power is not lost on the White House. A … Continue reading
The Super PAC Economy – OutFront – CNN
John Avlon talks about the power of the super PAC economy when GOP VP Paul Ryan meets billionaire Sheldon Adelson.
Joe Biden Chains Gaffe – OutFront – CNN
John Avlon discusses with a panel the outrage over Joe Biden’s latest gaffe that the Romney campaign calls a ‘new low’.
Dueling budget Plans: Romney-Ryan – OutFront – CNN
John Avlon discusses with a panel the Romney-Ryan and Obama budget plans.
Mediscare Tactics – OutFront – CNN
John Avlon talks to the Obama campaign Press Secretary Ben Labolt about the ‘mediscare’ attacks.
Fact Checking Obama Campaign Ads – OutFront – CNN
Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and President Obama are exchanging some strong jabs in new ads. But do their attack lines add up? OutFront tonight: Glenn Kessler, Fact Checker for The Washington Post
Obama and Black Voters – OutFront – CNN
Can President Barack Obama depend on 2008-level of support from black voters in November? A new report by the National Urban League says black voters could tip the election this year by staying home and costing the president’s crucial votes … Continue reading
Interview with James Clyburn – OutFront – CNN
CNN Contributor John Avlon talks to U.S. Rep. James Clyburn about Wednesday’s Senate vote on extending Bush-era tax cuts. OutFront tonight: Fmr. Super Committee member and U.S. Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC).
House Plans to Extend Cuts – OutFront – CNN
The Senate today voted on competing Democrat and Republican plans on extending the Bush tax cuts. The Democrat-led Senate passed its plan to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for middle income Americans. CNN contributor John Avlon says today’s vote is … Continue reading
Ohio Voting Laws – OutFront – CNN
CNN contributor John Avlon discusses the importance of Ohio in the 2012 presidential elections. OutFront tonight: The Daily Beast Contributor Mark McKinnon and CNN Contributor Roland Martin.
US City Economies – OutFront – CNN
Another California city is preparing for bankruptcy: Compton is due to run out of money on September 1. That would make it the fourth California city to go under since June. John Avlon speaks with Austan Goolsbee about the state … Continue reading
Is Romney’s Faith Taboo Subject – OutFront – CNN
Fifty-two years after John F. Kennedy broke a barrier by becoming the first non-protestant president, Mitt Romney’s Mormonism is proving to be a thorny issue, in part, because we don’t know how to talk about it, honestly, thoughtfully and respectfully. … Continue reading
Romney Doubles Down on Tax Returns – OutFront – CNN
Mitt Romney continues to stand firm against calls for him to release additional personal income tax returns. He said Tuesday, “I am simply not enthusiastic about giving them hundreds or thousands of more pages to pick through, distort and lie … Continue reading
Release Romney’s Tax Returns – OutFront – CNN
The OutFront Political Strike Team weighs in on whether Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney is hurting himself politically by only releasing two years of tax returns.
Celebrating Independence in America – OutFront – CNN
CNN’s John Avlon asks when did “Independence” become a bad word in America in Monday’s E-Block on OutFront.
Repeal or Replace, GOP Health Care Plans – OutFront – CNN
Outfront tonight: Republicans in a corner over health care. The Supreme Court battle may be over, but has the political and policy war just begun? The House of Representatives has already scheduled a vote to repeal health care reform next … Continue reading
A New War on Healthcare Begins – OutFront – CNN
GOP plans to fight for Obamacare repeal in Congress The U.S. Supreme Court has made their ruling on Obamacare, but in Congress, the fight to repeal and replace the controversial health care reform law is just beginning. OutFront tonight: Republican … Continue reading