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Tag Archives: Fiscal Responsibility
Obama has Given Up Seeking a Solution to America’s Financial Woes
Without a bang or a whimper, all hopes of striking a so-called “Grand Bargain” to put America’s public finances on a sustainable track died a quiet death this week. And because cynicism passes for wisdom in Washington, the passing was … Continue reading
Paralyzed by Polarization – The Daily Beast
After 12 days of stalemate, conversations – if not negotiations – have started. But House Republicans remain deadlocked with the White House, its leadership constrained by their own far-Right-wing caucus, announcing to members in a closed-door session this morning that … Continue reading
The Suicidal Shutdown: Hyper-Partisan Fever Rules the Government – The Daily Beast
It was darkly appropriate that Congressman John Culberson (R-TX) rallied his conservative colleagues on Saturday to vote for a government shutdown by saying “Like 9/11, Let’s Roll!” Because this legislative plane is headed defiantly nose-down into the ground. Decency, practicality, … Continue reading

Market Leninism vs. the West – The Daily Beast
So much for the end of history. Twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall gave rise to the idea that liberal capitalist democracy would carry the human race inexorably toward broad sunlit uplands, we are confronted with the … Continue reading
Obama Budget Catching Hell From Both Sides: Why That’s a Good Sign – The Daily Beast
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall catch hell from both sides.” So said a sign on the Justice Department wall of Burke Marshall at the height of the civil rights era. But it could also apply to President Obama’s … Continue reading
Can Jeb Bush Save the GOP and End Its Emerging Civil War? – The Daily Beast
Moon Reagan and Don Nixon never got this kind of reception. But Jeb Bush, the brother and son of presidents, is already getting the full-court press to run for the White House in 2016. The Drudge Report went breathless with … Continue reading
The PowerPoint That Proves It’s Not Obama’s Sequester After All – The Daily Beast
With deep sequestration cuts just days away, Congress is on vacation. But they’ve still got plenty of time to play the blame game. The latest semantic spin is to call the looming $1.2 trillion in cuts, which could throw the … Continue reading
Obama’s Chance to Lead or Kick the Can Down the Road – CNN.com
“What we have done is kicked this can down the road. We are now at the end of the road and are not in a position to kick it any further. … We have to signal seriousness in this by … Continue reading
‘No Budget, No Pay’ is No-Brainer – CNN.com
If you don’t get the job done at work, you won’t get paid. But Congress plays by its own rules. Specifically, Congress hasn’t passed a budget in almost four years. This is basic — and required by law. Congress seems … Continue reading
Jerry Brown Creates California Surplus Miracle, But Can It Last? – The Daily Beast
California has long been synonymous with budget deficits so deep that it looked like the Golden State would inevitably be our Greece—beautiful and bankrupt. But Governor Jerry Brown announced that his state has suddenly projected a surplus of $851 million. … Continue reading
Callous Conservatives: Gulf State Republicans’ Sandy Shame – The Daily Beast
Slap a scarlet “S” on these callous conservatives. Sixty-seven members of Congress–all Republicans—voted against even $9 billion of Hurricane Sandy relief yesterday. Remember their names, and hold them accountable. Twelve of the scarlet 67 voted for Hurricane Katrina relief—which passed … Continue reading
House Republicans Cave to Sandy Aid Pressure – The Daily Beast
It was a congressional slap in the face to victims of Hurricane Sandy. More than two months after hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in the tristate area were destroyed or damaged by Hurricane Sandy, Republicans in the House … Continue reading
Congress’s Fiscal-Cliff Chaos: House Passes Last-Minute Deal – The Daily Beast
“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing—after they’ve tried everything else,” Winston Churchill once said. But even by that standard, the scramble to avoid the entirely predictable fiscal cliff at the last possible minute was an … Continue reading
Our Pathetic Congress – The Daily Beast
Welcome back to Washington, House of Representatives. Hope you all had a great vacation. While you were out, your inaction caused markets to tumble, and now America is just hours away from collectively being pushed off the fiscal cliff. Your … Continue reading
Goodbye, Postal Service? – CNN.com
It’s the time of year for dashing through the snow to the crowded post office, with arms full of holiday gifts for family and friends. Not to break the atmosphere of holiday cheer, but this Christmas could be the last … Continue reading
As Plan B Fails, GOP Imperils Fiscal Cliff Deal, Boehner’s Speakership – The Daily Beast
Extremes are always their own side’s worst enemy. Speaker John Boehner’s failure to cobble together enough conservative votes to pass his Plan B is not just bad news for Boehner. It is bad news for the Republican Party and the … Continue reading
Fiscal Cliff a ‘Self-Inflicted Crisis – CNN
The country is only 27 days away from tumbling over the fiscal cliff. Yet, neither side is budging to come closer to a deal. CNN Contributor John Avlon says that most politicians don’t want to go over the cliff, but some … Continue reading
Beware the Fiscal Cliff Deniers – CNN.com
Washington is playing chicken with the fiscal cliff — the combination of automatic tax hikes and deep spending cuts in 2013 that could plummet our recovering economy back into recession. Brinksmanship is back while the clock ticks. Responsible voices in … Continue reading
Obama’s Deficit Plan Closer to What CEOs Favor – CNN.com
The deficit and debt are major concerns for swing voters — and President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have very different visions of how to deal with it. That’s why it was significant to see 80 CEOs of major American … Continue reading
Deficit-Hawk CEOs Bend Toward Obama – CNN.com
The deficit and debt are major concerns for swing voters — and President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have very different visions of how to deal with it. That’s why it was significant to see 80 CEOs of major American … Continue reading