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Tag Archives: Independent Voters

Moe Tucker Interview: Velvet Underground Drummer Embraces Tea Party
A few weeks ago, the British music press freaked out when they found a clip of one ‘Maureen Tucker’ being interviewed at a Tea Party rally in Georgia. Could this be the same Moe Tucker who played drums alongside Lou … Continue reading

What Independent Voters Want – The Wall Street Journal
Independent voters, once a political afterthought, are now the largest and fastest-growing segment of the American electorate. This shift led to the nomination of two candidates who ran against the polarizing establishments of their own parties, while preaching the need … Continue reading

Christie’s Reelection Triumph Is a Revenge of the RINOs – The Daily Beast
Chris Christie’s landslide reelection in a state President Obama won by 17 points offers the GOP a memo on how to win in 2016, if it wants one. Don’t just fixate on the top-line numbers. They obscure the real story. … Continue reading
What GOP Can Learn from Cuccinelli’s Tanking Bid in Virginia – CNN
Virginia is a cautionary tale for conservatives this year. And those Republicans who always argue that their party wins when it moves further to the right are going to have a lot of explaining to do after Election Day. Polls … Continue reading

The Changing Face of the U.S. Electorate – CNN.com
John King speaks with Margaret Hoover and John Avlon about how Pres. Obama was able to win despite losing white vote.
Lisa Murkowski’s Declaration of Independence – The Daily Beast
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski became the third Republican U.S. Senator to support same-sex marriage on Wednesday, just days before the Supreme Court is set to decide on its constitutionality. But what’s really significant about Murkowski’s decision is the argument she … Continue reading
South Carolina Special Election Has All the Makings of a Scandal-Filled Telenovela – The Daily Beast
This is one local election that’s going to get national attention. With Mark Sanford’s victory in the Republican runoff Tuesday night, South Carolina’s May 7 congressional special election will be packed with enough scandal, redemption, and gender-war themes to fill … Continue reading
Republican Politicians Must Stop Pandering to Conservative Populism – The Daily Beast
Republicans need to “stop being the Stupid Party.” That was a blunt postelection declaration of independence by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. “We’ve also had enough of this dumbed-down conservatism,” continued Jindal. “We need to stop being simplistic, we need to … Continue reading

Bipartisian Policy Center – Now We Govern: Transitioning from the Campaign to Office
Now We Govern: Transitioning from the Campaign to Office John Avlon moderates this panel on the transition from campaign to office and the challenges that lie ahead for Congress and the President. Featuring: Maria Cardona, Brendan Daly, Sara Taylor Fagen, … Continue reading
Battleground Blog: How the Swing Counties Swung – CNN.com
Over the last two months of the campaign, CNN focused on the swing districts of swing states as a way of looking at who would win the election. From Jefferson County Colorado and Loudon County Virginia on CNN’s OutFront’s Final … Continue reading
Independent and Centrist Voters Breaking with Precedent – CNN.com
The final polls are out and behind the national horserace is a fascinating dynamic – Mitt Romney is narrowly winning independent voters while President Obama is winning centrist voters by a nearly 20-point margin. For example, here in the must-win … Continue reading
What’s Really at Stake in Election 2012 – CNN.com
The stakes in this election go far beyond just who takes the oath of office in January. Each of us is faced with choices that will have huge ramifications in our nation for decades — and the choice is not … Continue reading

Stand up for Centrist Candidates – CNN.com
There’s more to Election Day than just the presidential campaign. The polarization of the parties has led directly to the divided and dysfunctional Congress we’ve seen over the past two years, leading to the lowest congressional approval ratings in recent … Continue reading
In Last Days of Campaign Ground Game in Ohio Comes Down to Math – The Daily Beast
The weather is getting cold, but the ground game here in Ohio is already hot. The polls are tight in the Buckeye State with President Obama maintaining a small but steady lead of between two and four points in most … Continue reading
Shooting Survivor Dean Kahler Passionate About Race – CNN
John Avlon speaks with Dean Kahler, a survivor of the Kent State shooting who is passionate about the 2012 election.
CNN Election Express Sweeps the Swing States – CNN
With two weeks until the election, CNN sent John Avlon and their chief business correspondent Ali Velshi on the road to take the temperature among swing-state voters.
A Look at Swing Voters – The Final Factors – OutFront -CNN
John Avlon unveils a new OutFront series, “The Final Factors.” A look at swing voters’ and their role in the election.
Political Independents: The Future of Politics? – The Daiy Beast
In the final stretch of this play-to-the-base presidential election, it is strange to say that the 40 percent of Americans who identify as independent are currently close to an afterthought. With so few undecided voters left, even most independents have chosen … Continue reading
What We in 2012 Can Learn from Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 – CNN.com
One hundred years ago Monday, Theodore Roosevelt launched the most successful third party presidential bid in American history, declaring, “We stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord!” It was the culmination of the Progressive Party Convention in Chicago … Continue reading
3 Bipartisan Bills That Could Get the Economy Moving – CNN.com
Welcome back to work, Congress. Hope you enjoyed your fourth full week off this year. Now find a way to work together to help get America back to work. Experts all say not to expect any constructive action from Congress … Continue reading