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Tag Archives: New York

From Wall Street to the Street: A Cabdriver’s Tale – CNN.com
Jack Alvo drives the streets of the New York City six days a week — the 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. shift. He never imagined he’d be a cabdriver at his age. After all, a decade ago, he was pulling … Continue reading

Fulton Fish Mart’s Poets And Ghosts – NY Sun
“Every now and then, seeking to rid my mind of thoughts of death and doom, I get up early and go down to Fulton Fish Market,” wrote Joseph Mitchell at the opening of his story “Up in the Old Hotel.” … Continue reading

Sue City – City Journal
New York City spends more money on lawsuits than the next five largest American cities—Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, and Philadelphia—combined. The city’s $568 million outlay in fiscal year 2008 was more than double what it spent 15 years ago … Continue reading
Weiner, Spitzer Out: Thank You New York – CNN.com
Twelve years ago, New York City taught the nation about resilience in the face of a massive attack. On Tuesday, New York again taught the nation that character counts. There is, of course, no comparison between the horror of 9/11 … Continue reading
‘Hizzoner’ Ed Koch, Three-Term Mayor of New York, Dies at 88 – The Daily Beast
For a generation of Americans, and especially New Yorkers, Ed Koch was simply “Mayor.” It was the title of his bestselling memoir, followed by a sequel, Politics, and even an off-Broadway tribute to Hizzonor. With typical talent for good timing, … Continue reading
Callous Conservatives: Gulf State Republicans’ Sandy Shame – The Daily Beast
Slap a scarlet “S” on these callous conservatives. Sixty-seven members of Congress–all Republicans—voted against even $9 billion of Hurricane Sandy relief yesterday. Remember their names, and hold them accountable. Twelve of the scarlet 67 voted for Hurricane Katrina relief—which passed … Continue reading
Chris Christie Drops Bomb on GOP Leaders – CNN.com
It’s why the American people hate Congress. Unlike the people in Congress, we have actual responsibilities.” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dropped a bomb on Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Congress for refusing to allow a vote on Hurricane … Continue reading
House Republicans Cave to Sandy Aid Pressure – The Daily Beast
It was a congressional slap in the face to victims of Hurricane Sandy. More than two months after hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in the tristate area were destroyed or damaged by Hurricane Sandy, Republicans in the House … Continue reading

Hell Week in Boston Shows How 9/11 Taught Resilience – The Telegraph
Monday’s bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Patriots’ Day propelled America back to a 9/11 mindset. Tuesday through Thursday were pre-occupied with grief, manhunts and memorial services. Poisonous envelopes mailed to the president and two US … Continue reading
Bloomberg, Cuomo Should Revitalize the Rockaways After Hurricane Sandy – The Daily Beast
Almost one month after Hurricane Sandy, some storefronts in the Rockaways—the seven-mile stretch of beachfront below Brooklyn—are alight at night, but many small businesses are still boarded up. Floodlights illuminate intersections, and cop cars and sanitation crews line streets piled … Continue reading
Hurricane Sandy Exposes Mitt Romney’s Self-Made FEMA Problem – The Daily Beast
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, President Obama has been coordinating storm response from the White House—while Mitt Romney has been dodging questions about what critics say was a primary campaign call to cut funding for the Federal Emergency Management … Continue reading
Obama’s Stirring U.N. Speech – The Daily Beast
President Obama can be, if anything, overrated as an orator. Some of his heavily hyped speeches—such as his Charlotte convention address—fall flat or fall short. That was not the case with his U.N. address Tuesday. Certainly, the stakes were high—two … Continue reading
Free Speech, Civility Collide on the New York Subways – The Daily Beast
This Monday, 10 subway stations throughout New York City will be adorned with this welcoming message: “In any war between civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.” It is paid for by the American … Continue reading
Is It Still Too Soon to Talk Gun Control? – CNN.com
The bodies of the victims are being buried. The court case will continue, without cameras. The horror in Aurora has faded from the front page in favor of Olympic coverage. So it is worth asking, 10 days after the largest … Continue reading
Chicago Murder Rate Surges as New York’s Drops to Record Low – The Daily Beast
This is a tale of two cities and murder. As the sun rose Sunday, New York City hit a remarkable milestone, recording just 193 murders in the first six months of the year. In that same span, more than 250 … Continue reading
Incumbents Charles Rangel, Orrin Hatch Beat Back Primary Challenges – The Daily Beast
The RINO hunters and DINO hunters took a beating Tuesday night. Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch easily defeated a Tea Party challenge. Left-wingnut and Mugabe-aficionado Charles Barron was decimated by New York Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries, despite the support of big labor … Continue reading
Is Israel-Bashing, Dictator-Backing Charles Barron Heading To Washington? – The Daily Beast
New York City Councilman Charles Barron is the real-life embodiment of the paranoid right-wing fantasy about President Obama: a former Black Panther, a backer of wealth redistribution, and an outspoken admirer of leftist dictators worldwide. But now Barron has risen … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street Movement Has No Right to Sleep in Parks – The Daily Beast
I heard the helicopters in the middle of the night hovering over lower Manhattan as the eviction of Occupy Wall Street occurred. Only a few hours before, I’d walked past the Zuccotti Park encampment and Occupy Wall Street’s tent city … Continue reading
The Battle For Wall Street – The Daily Beast
A little after 6:30 a.m., a cheer went up from the protesters gathered in Zuccotti Park. A press release by New York City Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway announced that Brookfield Properties—the owner of the park—had decided to call off their … Continue reading

Democracy in Name Only – City Journal
Election reform in New York is long overdue. Most elections for New York City offices are effectively decided in Democratic primaries with very low turnouts. In New York’s vibrant first City Council district, which stretches from Soho to Battery Park … Continue reading